Saturday, May 28, 2016

2015 Fashionista pale Desiree

Here's a girl I didn't think I would get.  Whenever they were first released, I only saw one, and it had pretty messed up eyes.  I found this one in a picked-over display after Christmas, and decided it was doll fate.  I love her sunny, shining face.  Her lower lip has a ding on it, but I couldn't be too choosy.  I still haven't got her out of the box yet, I don't want to ruin her hair.  The 2015 swim doll and Barbie Basics 10 are my only other Desiree dolls.


Dollz4Moi said...

She's one of my favorite ladies. I put her on a extra Frank Sinatra I had. I like her curls and yes her BIG head :O)

olla123 said...

Nie mam tej lalki, ale uważam ją za bardzo ładną! Szczególnie podobają mi się jej włosy i twarz! Jasne loki są świetne! Uwielbiam kręcone włosy u lalek :)))

MissSpottyJane said...

Thanks! I also really like the curly hair dolls.

MissSpottyJane said...

That's a good idea, thanks. I still have a Sinatra in storage waiting to be beheaded.

MissSpottyJane said...

That's a good idea, thanks. I still have a Sinatra in storage waiting to be beheaded.

MissSpottyJane said...

Thanks! I also really like the curly hair dolls.