Thursday, September 22, 2016

I brag about Hudson's finds.

Here are two recent Hudson's Dirt Cheap purchases.  Here are the girls I left behind.

I love shopping at Hudson's stores.  My grandmother loved it, my late aunt loved it.  I used to not live near one, but recently moved, so now I can dig for deals regularly.  Hudson's stores are where everything goes when no regular store wants it anymore.  Each shipment of junk gets a tag with a batch number and the original price (you hope) and they mark things down more the longer they sit out.  It's great if you only want to keep select pieces from a toy.  In this case, I can sell the dresses on eBay for a fair price, and not loose all my money to eBay fees.

I don't want to make Hudson's sound completely magical.  You have to check everything over completely.  My dolls were in mint condition in the crushed boxes, as were the redhead Teresas I left behind.  One copy of Curvy Blue had her neck snapped, though.  They are also bad for mis-pricing the original retail.

$24.99 "original price" for an $8 double fashion set, with one fashion stolen.  If this makes it down to 90% off, I might buy it and the unfortunate blue girl just for the shoes.  Speaking of shoes, Target has dumped their Bratz stock.

Dolls, shoes, playsets, fashions, it's all there at 40% off.  But regular stores had much better deals than that.  I won't touch it until it's at least 80% off, but that will be a few months away, and parents might buy it all first.


olla123 said...

Niesamowita oferta! Żałuję, że u nas takich nie ma! Niebieskowłosa Teresa jest śliczna!
Pozdrawiam serdecznie!

Barb the Evil Genius said...

Wow, looks like some deals to be had, as long as you look carefully at what you buy.

TRU has been dumping its Bratz stock for several months as well. I would like to see MGA come out with something new and interesting now that the Bratz line seems officially dead. Of course, the Vi and Va line crashed pretty quickly too. Maybe they need a new design team.